Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome! & Pre-Departure Thoughts.

I know—as if I needed another blog. But I'd say studying in London and traveling around Europe for five months warrants a special one, wouldn't you agree? I'm excited to keep track of my travels, thoughts, and pictures on here for not only my family and friends but for myself as well.

For the past few months I've mainly focused on my excitement, but I have quite a few worries when I really, really think about what I'm about to do. Although I don't think writing down worries and concerns is supposed to be fun, I thought it might be interesting to look back on my anxieties about the upcoming few months and see that they were silly or completely unnecessary (hopefully).

Worries, Great & Small:
  • I'm worried that I will screw something up transportation-wise, that I'll miss my plane or get on the wrong train or not understand how the bus or subway works and just be lost!
  • I'm worried that I won't make friends.
  • I'm worried that I'm packing too much and I'm worried that if I unpack any of it I won't have enough (since I'm hardly bringing ANYTHING).
  • I'm worried I'll have panic and anxiety attacks and problems with my dizziness.
  • I'm worried I'm going to accidentally offend someone due to cultural differences I'm unaware of.
Well there you go! I can rationalize any of these things, don't worry (ha), but I'm glad I have them recorded so I can prove them wrong.

Anyway, I will be abroad from August 25, 2010 until January 10, 2011. Wish me luck!