Friday, November 19, 2010

[November 10] London: Student March, British Museum, & Indian Food

One morning during class, we looked out the window and saw the street was full of student protesters. What fun! How neat! Whoo hoo! A riot! Ha, ha. Then I learned what they were protesting... turns out they're upset that instead of paying the £3,000 per year for college that they are right now, Britain wants to raise it to £5-6,000 per year. Which means they would be paying approximately $7-9,000 for college. PER YEAR.

Now, I realize this is a huge increase percentage-wise. If someone had told me my whole life that it will cost approximately £12,000 for me to pay for a 4-year college degree and then suddenly it was £20-24,000... That would most likely be a huge problem.

But then I think about the fact that my college costs $46,000 PER YEAR and then I don't feel sorry for them ONE SINGLE BIT. I kind of laughed in their faces then went on with my life. Anyway. Things got 'violent' later in the day... smashing windows, etc.

After my two classes, I had some time to kill so I walked down the street to the British Museum:

There are SO many artifacts from ancient times in the museum...

The Rosetta Stone... wow. I never thought I would ever see it in person:

The Egyptians idolized cats:

I am especially captivated by old armor: 

Ancient jewelry that I wouldn't mind owning (replicas of!):

What I was REALLY looking for... EGYPTIAN MUMMIES:

There were some very gruesome skeletons and well-preserved bodies in the museum that I didn't take pictures of... but here are some more of the mummies:

This is a mummified raven:

Mummified cats:

After getting a scone at the museum, I went out to dinner with a group from my program. We have these seminar meetings where the leader will kind of check up on how we're feelingggg about study abroad. It's very informal. So, we went out for Indian food and I DON'T KNOW WHY but somebody didn't make reservations so we waited in line almost 2 hours. I was very, very unhappy about this because I didn't get home until after 11pm that night and I still had homework. If the guys at the restaurant hadn't have kept lying to us (5-10 minutes, repeatedly) I definitely would have left sooner. Anyway... the food was absolutely delicious and IES paid for it so it was *almost* worth it.

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