Saturday, November 20, 2010

[November 12] Brighton: Pier & Pavilion

On a very windy day, an group from IES took a daytrip to Brighton. The wind blew my umbrella inside-out so many times and I resorted to walking with it in front of me to block out the rain and wind coming at me sideways...

On the way there, our guide informed us that Brighton has a large college student population and a very gay-friendly community. Apparently they have a pretty good music scene as well.

In front of the Brighton Pier:

Yes, this alley/street had its own name...

The Beatles and the Stones played here but it's abandoned at the moment:

Pink Floyd performed Dark Side Of The Moon here for the first time:


Before I came to England, everyone said "Oh you HAVE to try fish and chips blah blah blah" so okay, I was going to try it but I wasn't gonna like it! Ha ha. And now I've had it 4 or 5 times and it's been pretty good each time and in Brighton I honestly had a craving for it!

Ha ha our table went through A LOT of ketchup and tartar sauce... way more than pictured...

Me and some friends used our free time to find cupcakes and coffee... I look like my dog Bella in this picture for sure...

Quirky cafe we went to:

Then we visited the Brighton Pavilion where British royalty would vacation. It was VERY fancy inside and very Oriental-inspired. 

This is the entrance to the arcade part of the Pier... on the other side are the rides. I just walked around and looked at everything. 

Poor Mickey Mouse:

Well, even though it wasn't especially exciting, I'm still glad I got to see another part of England! Later that evening I went out to dinner with a new friend I made in Dublin. We went to Brick Lane for Indian food but I was SO FULL from those fish and chips that I just had dessert, ha ha!

Then as I arrived 'home', I decided to take some pictures of the beautiful lights in Sloane Square... London has really gone all out with the Christmas lights and it's just great.

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