Wednesday, November 3, 2010

[October 8] Oxford: Daytrip

Almost an entire month ago, I went on a daytrip to Oxford with a group of students from IES. It seemed like a really nice atmosphere to go to school in! I feel like a lot of the trip was 'wasted' on a stupid tour... the tour guide was going on and on about things that were just not interesting to me, and probably not so much to others as well... honestly, I think the only thing people really cared about was what scenes in Harry Potter were filmed where!

Here's some pictures from around Oxford:

Crepes with Anne and Emily:

People singing in the street:

I was so excited to find this Alice in Wonderland shop! The book was written by Lewis Carroll, obviously, and he taught math at Oxford (hence the pseudonym). I bought some stationary and postcards. There were so many cute little things in there.

Ah! What I really wanted to see: The river!

Some kids in our program punting along...

1 comment:

  1. the pictures of you by the river are insane, Alyssa. Lovely!

    Also, so right about HP.
