Friday, November 12, 2010

[November 1] London: A Walk in Hampstead

For my Bloomsbury Era class, we went on a walk in Hampstead which is in the very north of London because A LOT of famous writers lived there. Around every corner! It's just fantastic that we get to go on walks and museum visits for class because it gives us an opportunity to check out areas and places that we might not necessarily on our own, AND learn about what we're walking by instead of being oblivious.

A random update on my Bloomsbury Era class: my favorite books we've read for the class have been 'Mrs. Dalloway' by Virginia Woolf and 'A Passage to India' by E.M. Forester. I already knew that I liked Virginia Woolf and had already read 'Mrs. Dalloway' previously to the class but the second reading was even better... and I don't plan on stopping there. It's got to be read again! And now I know I need to check out Forester's other books.

Anyway! During the Plague in London, some people would move to Hampstead because the air was supposed to be cleaner and better there. I have no idea why, but I think it was pretty gross there too, back in the day. Anyway, this looks quite lovely though, right? :



Robert Louis Stevenson's house:

2 of the Spice Girls used to live here:

Random pretty picture:

The house that the ship-like house in Mary Poppins was modeled after!:

Who knew this would be tucked in Hampstead?

D.H. Lawrence's house:

Katherine Mansfield's house:

I think Dickens' house:

What a lovely walk it was! Unfortunately I was SICK and feeling rather terrible the entire time... but nonetheless! A charming part of London. :)

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