Saturday, November 6, 2010

[October 24] London: Brunch!

A group of girls that I hang out a lot with decided to have a potluck brunch the Sunday before midterms! I had no idea what to bring, but that morning I went to the grocery store and bought milk, Cadbury hot coco mix, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup to make some really nice hot chocolate for my friends!

That morning I had the BEST strawberry and chocolate chip pancakes made by Melinda, who is in the middle of the picture below. Seriously, this pancake was DELICIOUS. Then Rachel, on the left of the picture, made this really good egg/beef mix, which I think had sour cream in it. I could be wrong, but anyhow, it was also really really good!

Then Jenna (center of pic) bought bagels from this apparently yummy bagel shop on Brick Lane... which I ate two of.

Strawberry hats!

My roomie, eatin' her pancake!

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