Wednesday, November 10, 2010

[October 31] Scotland: Day 4: Edinburgh

Looking back on the Scotland trip, I wish we could have just divided our time between the Highlands and Edinburgh, but oh well, you don't know until you try a little here and there! The Highlands and Edinburgh are completely opposites of course—mountainous terrain void of people vs. a Gothic city—but that suites me.

Anyway. I could see myself enjoying Edinburgh for a week or so. I'm not sure what I would do but enjoy the overall atmosphere. Just live life there.

Edinburgh Castle!

Brilliant view from the castle:


I love these streets...

I wonder what they sell at the grass market...

Little did I know, Edinburgh is home to the Elephant House, a cafe that JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter in!

In case you can't read, the top part says "Made famous as the place of inspiration to writers such as J.K. Rowling, who sat writing much of her early novels in the back room overlooking Edinburgh Castle."

An awesome collection of elephant figurines!

I think I need this outfit, ha ha:

The day was spent wandering around and looking in interesting shops. Then we took the train back to London... we all felt relieved to be back 'home'. :]

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