Sunday, November 14, 2010

[November 4] London: Getting Lost!!!

On this particular day after class, I thought "I'm going to go buy some new jeans". The blue jeans I brought with me are definitely too big for me now, although I'm really not sure how this happened: I've been eating what I want and when I want here. It must be all of the walking. Which is definitely okay with me!

I left the IES Centre and somehow ended up near the British Library and King's Cross Station. Yeah, it's kinda far and I have no idea how I ended up there!!! But I saw this building and I think it's fantastic:

Then I gave up on finding the store I was looking for and walked to the Senate House Library to do some research for Women's History. In case you ever need to know, books on Women's Fashion are not located in the Art section but in the History section. I guess that kind of makes sense but it's not what I expected...

Then I took a bus to Oxford Street where there is TONS of shopping! I just walked and walked and walked and kept looking for some jeans, but no luck. I did buy a gigantic chocolate chip cookie from Ben's Cookies though...

London is already decorated for Christmas... they really go all out, as I guess I kind of expected. Here's a Disney store that looks very... Christmas-y:

If you're walking around in London, you are almost guaranteed to see someone holding a bag from Primark. Primark is a HUGE clothing store with DIRT CHEAP prices. I've been there twice and it's just crowded and terrible. I really, really hate it there.

Then I found myself at Hyde Park... it was getting dark... and I was getting frustrated with walking so much and carrying so many books in my bag... But what a neat horse statue I saw!

I think this is Marble Arch:

Walking through Hyde Park:

Later that night, I went back to Oxford Street to meet a friend for drinks. These are some of the pictures I took while I waited:

I really love Topshop!!! Unfortunately they're only in the UK... and unfortunately they're kinda pricey compared to what I usually spend on clothing.

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