Saturday, November 6, 2010

[October 20] London: Shakespeare Tour

One day, the professor of my Shakespeare class took our class on a little tour of Southwark. Southwark looks like it should be pronounced as it looks: "South. Wark." But no. Everyone here says it "Sutherk".

Southwark is on the south side of the Thames, and used to be the place you went to have fun since this was where the theatres and all sorts of naughty places were!

First, we visited the Globe Theatre, which I had already been to. But this time I walked through a museum about Shakespeare and we went on a tour.

Then we walked around the area... and we passed what used to be an old prison. "Most notorious medieval prison". Cool. There are these blue circular plaques ALL over London that tell where something used to be or where someone famous used to live. Very informative!

This is my professor walking along with his cane...


And then, Southwark Cathedral where Shakespeare's brother is buried:

This is a statue of Shakespeare and I think he's just in a really funny pose...!

I was FREEZING on the tour!!!

That night, there was a social and a group of IES students headed to a student bar... and then went to a club dancing!

Silly kids...

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