Thursday, January 6, 2011

[December 20] London: SNOW & Traveling Nightmares.

The morning of December 18th was a bit stressful—last minute packing, throwing away things, donating things, trying to get a stupid printer to work, etc. I dragged all of my stuff to the Victoria Coach Station in the snow, got on a bus to Stansted Airport to fly to Bremen, Germany, and was on that bus for no less for 5 HOURS. That should have been an 1 1/2 hour bus trip, MAX, people! Stupid snow! I got to the airport late only to find out that my flight had been cancelled due to snow. Even if it hadn't have been cancelled I would have missed it anyway. So after not really knowing what to do for awhile, I waited in a long line to buy a train ticket back to the city. Close to midnight, I was back at the dorm only to discover most of my friends were, too. Their flights had all been cancelled as well. Two of my friends had to sit in and airplane on the tarmac for 7 HOURS. Um, in the States, I'm pretty sure that's illegal!!!

The people at the dorm were really nice and accommodating to us—each extra night we stayed would 'only' be £25 which is sure a lot cheaper than staying at a hotel. I got my exact same room back. Not bad. 

The soonest flight I could get to Bremen in German to visit my friend was on Wednesday. Hmm. Scratch that. I applied for a refund and bought a Eurostar ticket instead, for Tuesday. Okay. I can handle that. Most of my friends were getting new flights only to have them be cancelled and... most of them made it home for Christmas but JUST BARELY. As in, Christmas morning. I wasn't TOO concerned with when I got to Germany, because I wasn't going to be home for Christmas anyway, but it did mean less time with my friend whom I hadn't seen for 4 1/2 years. 

More to come on my train adventures, but here's a few pictures of the snow out of my dorm room window—beautiful, but a pain in the you-know-what:

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