Thursday, January 6, 2011

[December 21] London -> Brussels -> Cologne -> Dortmund!

I had heard from a few different people that King's Cross/St. Pancras Station was an absolute nightmare and even if you had a train ticket, you would still have to wait in line for ages and ages. I was even lucky that I was able to buy a ticket at all, I later found out. 

My train from London to Brussels was scheduled to depart at 7:30am. I left the dorm at 3:15am. I took the bus to Bloomsbury, then another bus to the train station. Uh-oh. I discovered a LONG LONG line that wrapped around the outside of the station. Ew, ew, ew. But I met a really nice young woman traveling to Poland who was very upbeat and had a really positive attitude, and she really helped cheer up the cold and dark morning!

Even if you had a ticket, you still had to wait in the line. It was first come, first serve. This was towards to front of the line... yeah...:

I was SO lucky because when I went through customs and also got a new ticket, there were TWO TICKETS left for the next train to Brussels and they asked my new friend if she was traveling with a friend and she said yes, so I got to get on the train with her! That was SUPER nice! I can't believe my luck... I really can't!

Before riding the Eurostar for the first time... and going under the English Channel!

Once arriving in Brussels, I found a train to Cologne, Germany. From there I took a train to Dortmund where I met up with my dear, dear friend. I hadn't seen her in 4.5 years... WOW! Stay tuned for some adventures in Germany...

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